TA的每日心情 | 衰 2018-6-1 15:26 |
签到天数: 18 天 [LV.4]偶尔看看III
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本帖最后由 类人猿 于 2017-8-29 23:52 编辑
- Declare Function Asm Lib "ToAsm" Alias "Asm"(ByVal code As String,ByVal 长度 As Long) As Long
- Declare Function SetRec Lib "user32" Alias "SetRect"(ByVal 矩形 As Any,ByVal 左边 As Long,ByVal 顶边 As Long,ByVal 右边 As Long,ByVal 底边 As Long) As Long
- Declare Function LocalAlloc Lib "kernel32" Alias "LocalAlloc" (ByVal wOemChar As Long,ByVal wOmChar As Long) As Long
- Declare Function LocalFree Lib "kernel32" Alias "LocalFree" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
- Declare Function LocalSize Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
- Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal h As Any, ByRef f As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
- Declare Function CallWindowProcA Lib "user32.dll" Alias "CallWindowProcA"(ByVal 前1窗口函数地址 As Long,byref 窗口句柄 As Long,ByVal 消息值 As Long,ByVal 附加参数1 As Long,ByVal 附加参数2 As Long) As Long
- Declare Function RtlFillMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlFillMemory"(ByVal 目的内存 As String,ByVal 长度 As Long,ByVal 填充内容 As Any) As Long
- Declare Function LoadLibraryA Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "LoadLibraryA"(ByVal 动态链接库名称 As String) As Long
- Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetProcAddress"(ByVal 模块句柄 As Long,ByVal 进程名称 As String) As Long
- Declare Function GetModuleHandleA Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetModuleHandleA"(ByVal 模块名 As String) As Long
- Declare Function SetWindowsHook Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA"(ByVal 钩子类型 As Long,ByVal 回调函数地址 As Long,ByVal 实例句柄 As Long,ByVal 线程ID As Long) As Long
- Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32.dll" Alias "UnhookWindowsHookEx"(ByVal 钩子句柄 As Long) As Long
- Declare Function RtlZeroMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlZeroMemory"(ByVal 目的内存 As String,ByVal 长度 As Long) As Long
- Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "MultiByteToWideChar"(ByVal CodePage As Long,ByVal dwFlags As Long,ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long,ByVal cchMultiByte As Long,ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long,ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long) As Long
- Function 取指针长度(指针)
- If 指针 > 0 Then
- 取指针长度 = LocalSize(指针)
- Else
- TracePrint "错误的指针!"
- End If
- End Function
- Function 指针到文本(指针)
- JS_txt_anjian = space(取指针长度(指针)\2)
- RtlMoveMemory JS_txt_anjian, 指针, 取指针长度(指针)
- 指针到文本=JS_txt_anjian
- End Function
- Function 写代码(汇编代码)
- Dim 局部数组, 指令集,临时值
- //G_code_text = G_code_text + 汇编代码 + chr(10)
- G_测试=汇编代码
- If 汇编代码 <> "" Then
- If Asm(G_测试, Len(G_测试)) = 0 Then //如果编译器认为出错
- 局部数组 = split(汇编代码, " ")
- Select Case UBound(局部数组)
- Case 0//为单一指令时,报错
- TracePrint "错误的指令>>>" + 汇编代码
- G_code_text = "XXXXXXXX"
- Goto OVER
- Case 1// 为带操作数指令时,判断是否为调用函数
- 临时值 = 取址(局部数组(1))
- // TracePrint 临时值
- If 临时值>0 Then
- G_code_text = G_code_text + 局部数组(0) + " " + Cstr(临时值) + chr(10)
- Else
- if UBound(split(局部数组(1),","))=0 then
- G_code_text = G_code_text + 汇编代码 + chr(10)
- Goto over
- end if
- End If
- 局部数组 = split(汇编代码, ",")
- If UBound(局部数组) = 1 Then
- 临时值 = 取址(局部数组(1))
- If 临时值>0 Then
- G_code_text = G_code_text + 局部数组(0) + "," + Cstr(临时值) + chr(10)
- Else
- TracePrint "汇编代码:" + 汇编代码 + " 错误!" + " 位置>>>" + 局部数组(1)
- G_code_text = "XXXXXXXX"
- Goto OVER
- End If
- Else
- TracePrint "库中无此函数>>>" + 汇编代码
- G_code_text = "XXXXXXXX"
- Goto OVER
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- // TracePrint "汇编代码语法有误!错误的代码>>>【 " + G_测试+" 】"
- Else
- G_code_text = G_code_text +汇编代码+chr(10)
- End If
- End If
- Rem OVER
- 写代码= 汇编代码
- End Function
- Function 运行代码Ex(代码指针,可选参数1, 可选参数2, 可选参数3, 可选参数4)
- if 代码指针<>0 then
- 运行代码Ex=CallWindowProcA(代码指针, 可选参数1, 可选参数2, 可选参数3, 可选参数4)
- Else
- TracePrint "无效的指针"
- 运行代码Ex=0
- end if
- End Function
- Function 取代码指针()
- Dim 字节, 指针,数量
- 数量 = Asm(G_code_text, Len(G_code_text))//编译
- If 数量 > 0 Then
- CODE_字节 = space(数量)
- MultiByteToWideChar 0, 0, G_code_text, - 1 , CODE_字节, 数量//转换
- G_code_text=CODE_字节
- 字节 = split(G_code_text, "{")
- 字节 = split(字节(1), "}")
- 字节 = split(字节(0), ",")
- 取代码指针 = 写内存代码(字节)//装载
- G_code_text = ""
- Else
- TracePrint "当前代码存在错误!请仔细检查。"
- 取代码指针 =0
- End If
- End Function
- sub 释放指针(指针)
- call LocalFree (指针)
- End sub
- Function 运行代码(可选参数1, 可选参数2, 可选参数3, 可选参数4)
- Dim 字节, 指针,数量
- 数量 = Asm(G_code_text, Len(G_code_text))//编译
- If 数量 > 0 Then
- CODE_字节 = space(数量)
- MultiByteToWideChar 0, 0, G_code_text, - 1 , CODE_字节, 数量//转换
- G_code_text=CODE_字节
- 字节 = split(G_code_text, "{")
- 字节 = split(字节(1), "}")
- 字节 = split(字节(0), ",")
- 指针 = 写内存代码(字节)//装载
- 运行代码 = CallWindowProcA(指针, 可选参数1, 可选参数2, 可选参数3, 可选参数4)//运行
- G_code_text = ""
- LocalFree 指针
- Else
- TracePrint "当前代码存在错误!请仔细检查。"
- End If
- End Function
- Function 取址(函数名)
- Dim DLL集,lz,i,z
- DLL集 = "kernel32.dll|user32.dll|winmm.dll|gdi32.dll|wininet.dll|"
- DLL集=DLL集+dll_Name
- lz=split(DLL集,"|")
- For i = 0 To UBound(lz)
- TracePrint lz(i)
- z = 取函数地址(lz(i), 函数名)
- If z > 0 Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- 取址 = z
- End Function
- Sub 载入DLL(Dll名)
- dll_Name=dll_Name+dll名+"|"
- call LoadLibraryA(dll名)
- End Sub
- Function 取函数地址(dll名, 函数名)
- Dim i,字节组,文本数组,字节数组,模块句柄,文_本_指_针
- 文_本_指_针 = LocalAlloc(0, len(函数名) + 1)
- For i = 1 To len(函数名)
- 字节组=字节组&Asc(mid(函数名,i,1))&","
- Next
- 字节组 = 字节组 & "0"//Null结束符
- 文本数组 = split(字节组, ",")
- 字节数组 = 文本数组
- For i = 0 To UBound(文本数组)
- 字节数组(i)=Cint(文本数组(i))
- Next
- 字符_指针 = 写内存代码(字节数组)
- 模块句柄 = GetModuleHandleA(dll名)//先尝试获取模块句柄
- If 模块句柄 <= 0 Then
- 模块句柄=LoadLibraryA(dll名)//如果模块没有加载,则加载
- End If
- // MessageBox 模块句柄
- 取函数地址=GetProcAddress(模块句柄,字符_指针)
- LocalFree 字符_指针
- End Function
- Function 取数组指针(整数数组)'返回数组的首地址,构建和C语言一样的线性数组。
- Dim 数组地址,结构指针
- If VarType(整数数组) = 8204 Then
- 数组地址 = LocalAlloc(0, (UBound(整数数组) + 1) * 4)//申请内存构建数组,申请临时内存,用于取巧写整数,并内存清零!!
- 结构指针 = LocalAlloc(0, 16)
- RtlFillMemory 数组地址, UBound(整数数组) + 1, 0
- RtlFillMemory 结构指针, 16, 0
- Dim 实际传送次数,写入指针,i//计算需要传送的次数,每次传送4个整数。不足4个算做4个。
- 实际传送次数 = UBound(整数数组) + 1
- 实际传送次数 = 实际传送次数 \ 4
- If 实际成员数 mod 4 <> 0 Then
- 实际传送次数 =实际传送次数+1
- End If
- 写入指针=0//定义变量设置传送写入位置,开始循环写入,如果满4个,全部一起传送
- For i = 0 To 实际传送次数
- If i <= 实际传送次数 - 1 Then
- Call SetRec(结构指针, 整数数组(i*4), 整数数组(i*4+1), 整数数组(i*4+2), 整数数组(i*4+3))
- Call RtlMoveMemory (数组地址+写入指针*16, 结构指针, 16)//一次传送4个整数到内存。
- 写入指针 = 写入指针 + 1
- //TracePrint i& "|" &整数数组(i * 4) & "|" & 整数数组(i * 4 + 1) & "|" & 整数数组(i * 4 + 2) & "|" & 整数数组(i * 4 + 3)
- ElseIf i > 实际传送次数 - 1 Then//如果到了最后一次,可能不满4个
- If i * 4 = UBound(整数数组) Then //如果还剩一个
- Call SetRec(结构指针, 整数数组(i * 4), 0, 0, 0)
- Call RtlMoveMemory(数组地址 + 写入指针 * 16, 结构指针, 4)//传送1个整数到内存。
- //TracePrint "剩余1"
- Exit For
- ElseIf i * 4 + 1 = UBound(整数数组) Then//如果还剩二个
- Call SetRec(结构指针, 整数数组(i * 4), 整数数组(i * 4+1), 0, 0)
- Call RtlMoveMemory(数组地址 + 写入指针 * 16, 结构指针, 8)//传送2个整数到内存。
- //TracePrint "剩余2"
- Exit For
- ElseIf i * 4 + 2 = UBound(整数数组) Then//如果还剩3个
- Call SetRec(结构指针, 整数数组(i * 4), 整数数组(i * 4+1), 整数数组(i * 4+2), 0)
- Call RtlMoveMemory(数组地址 + 写入指针 * 16, 结构指针, 12)//传送3个整数到内存。
- //TracePrint "剩余3"
- Exit For
- ElseIf i * 4 + 3 = UBound(整数数组) Then//如果还剩4个
- Call SetRec(结构指针, 整数数组(i * 4), 整数数组(i * 4+1), 整数数组(i * 4+2), 整数数组(i * 4+3))
- Call RtlMoveMemory(数组地址 + 写入指针 * 16, 结构指针, 16)//传送4个整数到内存。
- //TracePrint "剩余4"
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next
- //TracePrint "写数组指针值:"&写入指针
- 写入指针=0
- LocalFree 结构指针//释放临时申请的内存。
- 取数组指针 = 数组地址 //返回数组所在的地址。
- Else
- 取数组指针=0
- TracePrint "这不一个整数型数组"
- End If
- End Function
- Function 写内存代码(字节数组)
- Dim i,临时数组
- //写一个函数本身需要的汇编代码到内存,这个写的方试比汇编慢,用于支持第二步的进行。
- 临时数组 = Array(83, 51, 192, 51, 219, 139, 93, 12, 138, 69, 16, 136, 3, 91, 195)//汇编代码,写内存字节
- Ccode = LocalAlloc(0, UBound(临时数组) + 1)
- 临时地址 = LocalAlloc(0, 16)
- For i = 0 To UBound(临时数组)
- Call SetRec (临时地址, 临时数组(i), 0, 0, 0)
- Call RtlMoveMemory (Ccode+i, 临时地址, 1 )//拷贝到代码地址
- Next
- //申请内存装载汇编代码,及内存清零处理。
- CS_code = LocalAlloc(0, UBound(字节数组) + 1)
- RtlFillMemory CS_code, UBound(字节数组) + 1, 0
- //把主代码写到内存
- // MessageBox UBound(字节数组)
- For i = 0 To UBound(字节数组)
- call CallWindowProcA(Ccode, CS_code + i, Clng(字节数组(i)), 0, 0)
- Next
- //返回和释放资源
- 写内存代码 =CS_code
- LocalFree Ccode
- LocalFree 临时地址
- End Function